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Recommended Reading List

A recommended reading list for traders.  There is a sea of trading books, many of which don’t stand the test of time or impart much truly actionable wisdom.  In my personal experience, I’ve found these to be very helpful in my journey.

-Peter Reznicek

Markets and MomentumMarkets and Momentum
by James Dalton
Jim’s third and final market profile book.  With a bit more emphasis on the psychological aspects of trading the profile, this one is like the icing on the cake of his first two market profile classics.Buy Now
Mind Over Markets
by James Dalton
The first Dalton book which is a true classic. There were a couple market profile texts before this but this is the one that really sparked interest in this way of reading the market. This should be the starting point for anyone looking to get started profiling.Buy Now
Markets In ProfileMarkets in Profile
by James Dalton
This picks up where the first one left off.  Some great behavioral finance stuff in here explaining how traders are often driven by emotions and rather than market generated information.Buy Now
Options Theory and Trading
by Ron Ianieri
Ron was a floor trader at the PHLX before the screens took over.  We had many deep conversations about options theory over drinks.  Much of that became my foundation in how I see and trade options.  Ron passed in 2019 but his teachings live on in this book.Buy Now
Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques
by Steve Nison
Your technical analysis journey should start right here.  The seminal classic on basic patterns that repeat over and over in the markets.  I see this as a starting point for all technical based traders.Buy Now