$SOX or $SOX.X. The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index. This index which tracks the leading chipmakers is discussed very often during the course of the trading day. Due to the heavy weighting of semiconductor companies throughout the Nasdaq Composite and Nasdaq 100 ($NDX), the Sox often “leads” the Nasdaq and is watched as another internal indicator alongside the breadthDescribing market breadth in terms of volume for the NYSE or the Nasdaq. This is a figure composed of the net sum of the amount of volume flowing into up stocks minus the amount of volume flowing into down stocks at any given moment in each of the two respective markets. Often the advance decline line is also referred to as “breadth”, but ShadowTrader differentiates between the two by using two separate terms. Generally, the Breadth is more important than the advance decline line., trinThe Traders Index, also called Arms Index after inventor Richard Arms. A complex fractional equation that takes into consideration the number of advancing stocks versus the number of decliners and also the respective volume of those two groups. Although TRIN readings over 1.0 are interpreted as bearish and readings below 1.0 are bullish it is the trend of the TRIN that is most important and any discussion of TRIN will always be in context of the trend. and advance declineThe advance decline line for the NYSE or Nasdaq. This is a figure composed of a net sum of the number of advancing stocks minus the number of declining stocks at any given moment in each of the two respective markets. lines.